Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Olla .... it's my first post !!

It’s been a long time since I wanted to create my own food blog, but you know things got in my way. Most of them are laziness actually, and it seems that I always have other things more important to do ... hope this time I will have more commitment to learn culinary....


Udah lama pengen bikin blog tentang makanan, tapi kayaknya koq banyak halangan yah. Seringnya sih karena malas, dan sepertinya gw selalu punya hal lain yang lebih penting untuk dikerjakan .. mudah2an kali ini gw akan lebih punya komitmen untuk belajar dunia kuliner ...


  1. Good job. very expressive and interesing blog to see. food's photos make me feel hungry.


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