Monday, April 12, 2010

Telur Asin

Pernah terpikir ngga membuat telur asin sendiri? Hmmmm .... kayaknya ngga yah, wong beli juga ada di mana2 hehehhe. Lagipula, telur asin kita tahu secara tradisional membuatnya pake abu atau batubata. Pasti yang lewat di kepala bikin sendiri pasti ngotor2in rumah aja.

Aku juga berpikiran seperti itu sih, sampai aku nemu resep membuat telur asin pake air garam aja, namanya metode "Telur asin ala Tupperware"... karena penasaran & kayaknya gampang banget langsung deh ikutan coba.

3 minggu yang lalu mulai coba, nitip sama bokap-nyokap yang kebetulan waktu itu mau pergi ke pasar deket rumah. Gara2 ada kesalahpahaman, masing-masing beli 10 telur bebek waktu ke pasar (aneh nih, padahal barengan perginya hehehhe), akhirnya jadi ada 20 biji deh telur bebeknya.

Karena ngga punya tupperware akhirnya nyoba dengan 2 toples plastik bekas aja masing-masing untuk 10 telur bebek.

Resepnya seperti ini:
10 buah telur bebek mentah, cuci bersih.
12 sdm munjung garam
1 liter air untuk merendam
1 buah tupperware single deco/wadah apa saja

Cara membuat :

* Siapkan wadah, cuci bersih bila perlu
* Campur diwadah terpisah antara garam dan air
* tata telur bebek mentah di dalam wadah
* Masukkan air garam dan tutup dg rapat
* Diamkan antara 2 minggu - 1 bulan

Sayangnya pas udah 2 minggu, aku lupa moto setelah direbus. Cuma sebagai gambaran rasanya belum begitu asin terutama kuningnya, kalo bagian putihnya udah lumayan. Terus bagian kuningnya juga belum masir (gerindilan seperti pasir) & warnanya juga masih kuning belum oranye.

Setelah tiga minggu, baru deh asinnya pas, kayaknya kalo diterusin 1 bulan buat lidahku terlalu asin. Terus kuningnya udah lumayan masir, pas deh teksturnya dengan harapanku. Karena kalo terlalu masir agak2 keras nanti kuningnya.
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Brownies Kukus Teh Uceu

I guess Indonesia is the only country in the world that knows a cake called Brownies Kukus or literally mean Steam Brownie in English. The name steam Brownie actually came from a bakery at Bandung named Amanda, that become very famous because of the cake.

Why they called it Steam Brownie? I guess becoz the cake has very strong chocolate taste unlike any other steam cake just like baked brownie compare to other baked cake. Or for marketing purpose .... ;p, you know Bandung already famous for the bake brownie so it easier to sell a cake with the similar name, and the word "steam" will bring customer to curiosity. Well maybe you can ask the owner if had a change to go to Bandung ... ;p

So, coz the popularity of the cake some people start to crate a recipe for the cake such as Teh Uceu & Ny. Liem. Below is the recipe created by Teh Uceu.

8 whole eggs
350 gr of sugar
1 tbs of cake emulsifier

Sift the dry ingredient:
200 gram of cake flour
90 gram of cocoa powder

Mix wet ingredient together:
1/2 can of condensed milk or about 170 gram.
250 cc of vegetable oil
200 cc of water
100 gram of rice chocolate

Beat eggs, sugar & cake emulsifier until it goes very thick and light. Fold in sifted dry ingredients until blended. add wet ingredient gradually, fold. Pour 1/2 batter in to a 24x24cm pan greased with oil, lined with baking paper on base & sides. Steam for 15 minutes, sprinkle with the rice chocolate, & add the rest of the batter, steam again for 25-30 minutes.

This cake is suitable for you that doesn't have any oven, can be used also for base cake of chocolate devil, your black forest cake, or any other cake that use chocolate cake ...
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