Saturday, January 16, 2010

Baked Cheese Cake

It's hard for me to decide the title of this post ... is it "Baked Cheese cake" or "New York Cheese Cake" ?. So I browse around the web to find what is the signature of the "New York Cheese Cake". And I could not found what actually the different between the New York Cheese Cake & any regular baked cheese cake, everyone always seem to have their own version of New York Cheese cake. But most of them use cream cheese & sour cream as their base cream material & their always refer to a very creamy cheese cake.

So, I decided to use the title "Baked Cheese Cake", first reason, as I said before, I could not found the signature of New York Cheese Cake, & second I use Neufchatel Cream cheese, most of the NY cheese cake recipe on the web use regular cream cheese. So it's not fare to use the name New York Cheese cake.

This recipe taken from the cheese cake book from Yasaboga. They named it New York Cheese Cake, but I'm not using the name coz the two reasons above.

120 gram of crushed digestive cracker
75 gram of melted butter

Cheese cake:
375 gram of cream cheese (I use neufchatel cream cheese)
100 gram of sour cream
125 gram of castor sugar (I use powdered sugar)
2 whole eggs
1 egg yolk
15 gram of cake flour
2 tea spoon of lemon zest

this was my addition
Sugar icing: 1 egg white, 125 gram sugar,30 cc of water, a pinch of cream tartar.

100 gram of Strawberry jam, 2 table spoon of water & a pinch of gelatine powder, heat until it emulsify finely.

Preheat oven 175 celcius.

In a mixing bowl combine the cracker crumbs and melted butter. Press firmly into the bottom of a greased 18 cm round spring form pan. Refrigerated about 1 hour.

In large bowl cream the sugar & cream cheese untill smooth, use the low-medium speed. If you use big stand mixer like kitchen aid, use the creaming beater. Add in flour then eggs & egg yolk, continue mixing, last add lemon zest & sour cream.

Pour the cream cheese batter to the pan, bake au bain marie for 45 minutes. Turned of the oven, open the oven door about 1-2 cm, let it cooled completely. about 1-2 hour. Refrigerated for 4-8 hour untill completely firm.

For the Sugar icing:
Make the sugar syrup from the sugar & water, add cream of tartar to the syrup. Beat egg white until peak, pour the sugar syrup while it's hot. The batter will be smooth again, beat until soft peak.

Decored the side of the cooled cheese cake with the sugar icing & blow torched it. Add topping. Refrigerate for one hour before serving.

So that my friend, my first baked cheese cake ....


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